11 Nov Nothing To Be Nervous About
I attend a weekly networking meeting http://bnisc.com.au/allaboutbusiness/ where I got to see Eden’s photography and I was very impressed with his portfolio. I felt that his style of photography looks professional and of such a high standard I was eager to get a corporate shot of my own. I will say though I was nervous about getting them done, I was seven weeks post baby and I simply just felt awkward and out of my element. Thank goodness Eden managed to make the session light, easy and most of all fun.
I loved the fact I could see the photos on his iPad whilst we were taking them and it was that night I was sent them to choose my favourite, that is 5 star service.
I got the photo’s for work as I am a Sydney Buyers Agent at Skeen Property http://www.skeenproperty.com.au/, helping people buy property in Sydney is a fantastic job and very rewarding. Some people can be looking for years and feel very defeated, so when I can come in and help them search, investigate, evaluate and negotiate for them, they’re elated when I secure their dream home. What I am most proud about when I do my job is I know I am saving them valuable time, money and of course stress!
Thanks Eden you managed to convey my message as a passionate and enthusiastic buyers agent in my photos.
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