23 Oct Commercial Photography – Hard Work Has Paid Off For Julia
Eden has been really easy and professional to work with. From our first contact his he made it his priority to make sure that he understood about my business’, how I would use the photos, what I wanted them to capture, style/creativity of photos, etc all of which were important factors to ensure that were knew we we on the same page with what we wanted to get out of the Photoshoot.
I have worked in the fitness industry for the last ten years which lead me to open my own gym three years ago
Earlier this year I also started another business “The Blueprint Body’ which is a 12 week online clean eating and exercise program www.theblueprintprogramming.com
I want to lead by example and the best advertising for my business is me, how I look and my attitude and approach to training and eating.
In addition to training CrossFit style I started bodybuilding earlier this year in the CrossFit ‘off season’. This was really a self experiment to see how I could sculpt my body and what condition I could get it to all naturally purely through exercise and clean eating, and by not going to any extreme dieting which can cause harmful long term effects to the body. So for the first time I got up on stage and competed in the NSW State Figure titles, where I placed second in first timers and forth in the masters, qualifying to compete in the Australian National tittles.
These photos were taken just after that, after twenty weeks of dedicated training and clean eating, so for me they represent a long journey that have left me feeling as strong and as healthy as I have ever been and show case the gym, CrossFit North Head, as well as being an example of “The Blueprint Body’ and what you can achieve with the right attitude through exercise and eating whole foods.
Julia Higgs
Owner/ Coach
CrossFit North Head
The Blueprint Body
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